My Career Dreams offers online career advisory to students to help them figure out what careers they are more compatible for.
To receive your free career compatibility report create an account
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What kind of questions will you be asked?
Once you register and login, our Artificial Intelligence powered chatbot will start asking you questions. These questions are designed by career advisors, professionals & psychologists to understand who you are- your values,preferences,skills and interest.These questions are important for us to evaluate. Make sure you answer tham carefully and accurately. This will take you 10-15 minutes depending on how many careers you would like to check your compatibility for.
What happens once you answer all questions?
Once we receive enough data to offer you advice, an automatic career compatibility report will be generated and shared with you instantly. Your report will evaluate multiple aspects based on your answers to the questions and offer you advice accordingly. If you have verified your account via email, you will be emailed a detailed report within 24 hours.